THE Furbearer Conservation™ PROJECT is an advocacy website, resource, and think tank engaged in the discussion of sustainable use and management of our natural resources. We hope to promote thought-provoking discussion on wildlife policy, THE Modern BENEFITS OF Regulated hunting, Trapping And wildlife control activities, and champion science based wildlife management techniques which seek to foster a healthy balance of both habitat and wildlife diversity.

Our Mission

Since 2014, Furbearer Conservation™ has led an effort to advocate for hands-on wildlife management and science-based wildlife policy. Our mission is to advocate for ethical furbearer management protocols that ensure these natural resources remain for future generations to enjoy and protect.

Those involved in the Furbearer Conservation project believe in an integrated approach to managing wildlife and natural resources in a way that promotes long-term sustainability.

Additionally, we believe support for regulated hunting and trapping is integral to biodiversity on an ever-changing North American landscape. The time has long come to reclaim the term conservation from a growing protectionist ideology - which seeks to restrict use and access to nature, rather than mediate and conserve it. Conservation of our wild places includes regulated use and physical monitoring; fundamentals which are successfully executed with the help of heavily modernized forms of wild game management and regulated wildlife control standards.

Furbearer Conservation has been created to open a dialogue, provoke discussion, and to solidify and sanction ethical wildlife conservation endeavors that embody the true intent of sustainable-use concepts as put fourth by previous generations of like-minded naturalists.
