While regulated trapping activities add benefit both as a natural fur resource and as a public service to mitigate conflict between abundant wildlife and people, contributors to the Furbearer Conservation™ project believe that scientific/conservation benefit is the heartbeat of 21st century trapping activities.
Contrary to popular belief, state wildlife agencies must conserve limited funding resources for species that require the greatest need. Unless there is substantial data to suggest additional resources are needed to monitor a particular fur bearing species, many state wildlife agencies won’t exhaust their resources on abundant furbearer populations. So how do state and provincial biologists gather important data to monitor furbearers? The answer is simple: regulated trapping and trappers – who have a vested interest in the natural resources of these species and their habitats. Licensed trappers work directly with wildlife professionals to produce data and information regarding wildlife population health. These agencies rely on the data, sightings, reports, and assistance from their state’s licensed trappers to help monitor these abundant species. There are countless organizations that recognize the immense benefits that trapping activities promote.
The relationship between biologists and wildlife management professionals, and licensed hunters and trappers is imperative to the future structure of sustainable wildlife management needs. We have compiled a data base of the position statements from professional organizations and technical committees who both support and seek to promote regulated trapping endeavors as a key component of furbearer conservation today and into the future. *The list does not include the countless private and public conservation, environmental, and scientific organizations that have relied on or benefited from regulated trapping activities. The agencies and organizations listed below are a small accumulation of professional entities that have been integral to promoting regulated trapping. The list is subject to updates and additions as they become available.