"Trapping in Today's World"
An educational video published by Fur Takers of America which explains why trapping is an integral part of wildlife management in the United States.
"Regulated Trapping in New Hampshire"
Skilled trappers provide New Hampshire with important ecological and societal benefits, such as managing abundant furbearer populations, at no cost. This long-standing part of New Hampshire’s cultural heritage remains relevant and necessary today, preventing flooding damage by beavers, minimizing disease risks and providing critical tools for wildlife management.
"NH's Carol Leonard"
Discover how NH & Maine mid-wife Carol Leonard got her start in trapping.
"NH Trapping & Skinning Legend Harris Ilsley"
Meet Harris Ilsley, a long time New Hampshire trapper and skinner.
"UNH Bobcat Study"
The (now infamous) bobcat study performed by UNH staff and students, which featured the assistance of skilled NH trappers who volunteered to assist the state with assessing New Hampshire's rapidly growing bobcat population.
"Attributes of the Modern Foot-hold Trap"
Fur Takers of America and Vermont F&W discuss Best Management Practices and the attributes of a Foothold Trap
"Furbearing Animals: A Natural Resource"
Using furbearing animals as the case study, Furbearing Animals: A Renewable Resource is designed to educate and open a meaningful conversation about the relationship between humans, animals and nature - and illustrate key environmental concepts in the 5th/6th grade curriculum. Developed by the Fur Council of Canada, in collaboration with Quebec's Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, the International Fur Federation and the Canadian Museum of Nature.
"Meet A Trapper"
Bill Mackowski is a trapper, wildlife biologist, and pack-basket maker from Maine, USA.
Listen to his story here!
"Are Trappers Stewards of the Land?"
Why do some say that “trappers are the stewards of the land ”? TruthAboutFur.com finds an answer.