New Hampshire

Killing Kindness: Hoarding America’s Wildlife

Killing Kindness: Hoarding America’s Wildlife

Buzz-terms like “trophy hunting”, “apex predator”, and “self-regulation” have all grown eight hairy legs as they scurry across the pages of editorials and social media posts. These terms have been taken far from their original meaning as they’re now regularly juxtaposed in pseudoscience to display a narrative that is flawed, exaggerated, and tiredly over-used.

Rise of the Dumpster Cats

Rise of the Dumpster Cats

Hoarding and stockpiling our wildlife never works. One way or another, New Hampshire’s public, politicians, and the NH Fish & Game Department are going to have face the reality that nobody should be proud of New Hampshire’s Dumpster Cat.

Bobcat vs Coon - A Shot Seen 'round the World.

Bobcat vs Coon - A Shot Seen 'round the World.

New Hampshire hunter Tony Hudon checks his trail camera and captures an amazing display of predation on film. 

Tunnel Traffic: Late Winter Mink Trapping.

Tunnel Traffic: Late Winter Mink Trapping.

Trapping mink in late winter can have its advantages and challenges!

The Future of the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge.

Guest writer Rob Hatch discusses mounting concerns over the current state (and future) of the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, the Great North Woods of both New Hampshire and Maine, and the intentions of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.