New England

Food For Thought - The Great Debate about Trapping Bait

Food For Thought - The Great Debate about Trapping Bait

When it comes to trapping, everyone has an opinion about the "best" bait to use. I dig into the "Great Debate" with a little help from a recent scientific study from The Wildlife Society

Trappers: Conservation's "Black Sheep", or Unsung Heroes?

Trappers: Conservation's "Black Sheep", or Unsung Heroes?

There was a time in history when the fur trapper was highly regarded in North America's wild woods. While I don't feel the modern trapper has lost his/her place in the great outdoor landscape, I have asked myself over and over again; where do we stand in the hierarchy of modern conservation?

Bobcat vs Coon - A Shot Seen 'round the World.

Bobcat vs Coon - A Shot Seen 'round the World.

New Hampshire hunter Tony Hudon checks his trail camera and captures an amazing display of predation on film.