Jeff Traynor, A.C.E. August 2, 2015 New England, General Trapping, Hunting & Trapping All Hail The Grinner: An Ode to the Opossum Jeff Traynor, A.C.E. August 2, 2015 New England, General Trapping, Hunting & Trapping All Hail The Grinner: Explores the complex lifestyle of a critter with a face only a mother could love...
Furbearer Conservation May 12, 2015 Bobcat Season Proposal, New Hampshire, New England, Nature's Ways Bobcat vs Coon - A Shot Seen 'round the World. Furbearer Conservation May 12, 2015 Bobcat Season Proposal, New Hampshire, New England, Nature's Ways New Hampshire hunter Tony Hudon checks his trail camera and captures an amazing display of predation on film.
Jeff Traynor, A.C.E. March 28, 2015 How-To, General Trapping, New Hampshire, Wildlife Control, Hunting & Trapping, New England Tunnel Traffic: Late Winter Mink Trapping. Jeff Traynor, A.C.E. March 28, 2015 How-To, General Trapping, New Hampshire, Wildlife Control, Hunting & Trapping, New England Trapping mink in late winter can have its advantages and challenges!
Editorial February 14, 2015 New Hampshire, Guest Writer, Rough Cuts, New England The Future of the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge. Editorial February 14, 2015 New Hampshire, Guest Writer, Rough Cuts, New England Guest writer Rob Hatch discusses mounting concerns over the current state (and future) of the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, the Great North Woods of both New Hampshire and Maine, and the intentions of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
Furbearer Conservation February 1, 2015 How-To, General Trapping, Hunting & Trapping Buggin' Out: Trapping and Survival. Furbearer Conservation February 1, 2015 How-To, General Trapping, Hunting & Trapping Fur Trapping and Survival go hand and hand. Key connections listed here.