Recent studies have found that impact from tourism and recreational activities are the fourth-leading cause of wildlife listed as threatened or endangered, right behind impact from nonnative species, urban growth and agriculture. Interestingly enough, regulated hunting and trapping activities aren't even on the list.
Killing Kindness: Hoarding America’s Wildlife
Buzz-terms like “trophy hunting”, “apex predator”, and “self-regulation” have all grown eight hairy legs as they scurry across the pages of editorials and social media posts. These terms have been taken far from their original meaning as they’re now regularly juxtaposed in pseudoscience to display a narrative that is flawed, exaggerated, and tiredly over-used.
Rise of the Dumpster Cats
Food For Thought - The Great Debate about Trapping Bait
When it comes to trapping, everyone has an opinion about the "best" bait to use. I dig into the "Great Debate" with a little help from a recent scientific study from The Wildlife Society.