Fish & Wildlife — Blog — Furbearer Conservation

Fish & Wildlife

Hard truths about Hunting, Activism, and Wildlife Conservation

A few years ago I was asked how I thought we could get more people interested in conserving land and water, and my answer was simple. Teach them to hunt, fish, and trap. Give people an activity which intimately connects them to these resources, and then give them a place to do it.

Governor’s turkey hunt highlights New Hampshire’s rural culture

Word on the street says that hunting is on a national downward trend. That “word” clearly hasn’t reached the hillside haunts of New Hampshire, as thousands of Granite State hunters and trappers still take to the woods each spring and fall to take part in the outdoor pastimes that have been integral to rural New England life.

Connecticut continues bobcat study

Connecticut continues bobcat study

Connecticut’s DEEP Wildlife Division is conducting an ongoing project to determine bobcat habitat use within the state. Data from the project will also be used to determine the abundance and population range of bobcats in the state.