Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has documented several wild felines showing signs of apparent neurological issues.
Bear management: An “unbearable” moral conundrum
While the regulated hunting and harvest of abundant black bear populations relies on conservation-minded modes to administer a selective seasonal hunt, nuisance black bears desperate for a meal or causing public safety issues are dealt with when the damage takes place - regardless of time of year or the scientific merits of removing such individuals from the landscape.
Researchers say Coyote tapeworm transferable to pets, humans
Beaver attack in Virginia river rehashes talk of “Zombie Beavers”
The Virginia incident is the latest in an over decade-long string of rabid beaver attacks. Being a density-dependent disease, does the influx in beaver/rabies cases highlight a species that is reaching or exceeded natural carrying capacity? Are rabid beavers becoming more prevalent or are we just becoming more aware of rabid beavers?
Idaho's air-dropped beavers, muskrat pens and ear-tagged marten
In 1948, game warden and pilot Elmo Heter executed a plan years in the making to reintroduce beavers into the mountainous wilds of Idaho. The project gained international fame in 2015, when a local historian discovered lost footage of the program. As seen in the video, the reintroduction efforts didn’t stop at parachuting beavers.