Black bear

Bear management: An “unbearable” moral conundrum

While the regulated hunting and harvest of abundant black bear populations relies on conservation-minded modes to administer a selective seasonal hunt, nuisance black bears desperate for a meal or causing public safety issues are dealt with when the damage takes place - regardless of time of year or the scientific merits of removing such individuals from the landscape.

Penn State continues study of mange in bears, with help from local trappers

Last year, Penn State researchers announced a focus study on the growing problem of sarcoptic mange among the state’s black bear populations. The study has been led by immunologists and entomologists within Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, which has focused on bear ecology, bear movement, and the animal’s immune response amid an increasing mange presence.

Last year’s rodent “bumper crop” means predator boom this spring

Just as the acorn mast abundance of two years ago drove a rodent explosion last year, I’m confident the expansion in rodent presence will drive a “cyclical boom” in New England’s predatory species this year.

MA officials move bears found living in highway median strip

MassWildlife officals discover a bear family overwintering in a wooded section of a busy highway median in Massachusetts.

America's Rabid Bears: cases rare - a concern nonetheless?

America's Rabid Bears: cases rare - a concern nonetheless?

The confirmation of a black bear infected with the rabies virus is the first in North Carolina’s recorded history. Only four cases of rabies in wild black bears has been documented in the continental U.S. since 1999. The discovery comes as bears seem to be popular in headlines Nationwide, and as their populations swell in the Northeast.