Nature's Ways

Raccoon raids DC bald eagle's nest live on Eagle Cam.

Video: An “Eagle Cam” overlooking a bald eagle nest in Southwest Washington DC records as a raccoon raids the nest and consumes eggs.

Nature's Ways: The Coyote & The Coon

With photo sharing and trail cameras expanding rapidly amongst society, we are able to capture, document, and share amazing findings almost instantly. With the amazing, also comes the macabre. As is the situation with the discovery of a raccoon and coyote discovered in the forests of West Virginia this week.

Raw Predators: A Bear-Eat-Bear World.

Raw Predators: A Bear-Eat-Bear World.

Nature’s raw fury: A grizzly bear in Alberta locates and tears open a black bear den; attacks female bear with cubs. Warning: Potentially graphic content.

Bobcat vs Coon - A Shot Seen 'round the World.

Bobcat vs Coon - A Shot Seen 'round the World.

New Hampshire hunter Tony Hudon checks his trail camera and captures an amazing display of predation on film.