
Two weasel-like creatures vying for forest turf in the Northeast

Both members of the weasel family, fisher and marten tend to inhabit similar areas within their habitat range while competing with one another over valuable resources and food within that habitat. However, while the larger Fisher has managed to adapt immensely well to agricultural, suburban, and slightly more southern expanses of its home range, the marten is far more fickle with regard to altered habitat impact.

Trappers assist biologists with Wolverine ecology insight

Amid the technology age of satellite mapping and swelling popularity of trail cameras, wildlife experts are still tapping the fur trappers’ knowledge to seek out important data on elusive predators. In Alberta, for example, biologists are looking to gain a better understanding of wolverine distribution across the Canadian province, and reaching back through decades of trapper reports and observations to do it.

Alberta Trappers play key role in Fisher reintroduction

Twenty-one trappers have participated in the fisher relocation program, applying their traditional knowledge & skills to assist with the project. Local experienced trappers are often recognized as the fulcrum for conservation projects, especially those involving furbearers such as the Fisher.

Women in the outdoors: Sustainable-use fur trapping

We’ve followed the works of Katie Ball’s Silver Cedar Studio for some time now - but we never knew the whole backstory. Thanks to a video short by Shaw Spotlight, we have some deeper insight into Katie’s business, heritage, and her proud sustainable use of Canada’s natural resources.

Fur Institute updates "Certified Trap List" for 2019

The Fur Institute of Canada announced updates to their list of certified traps this week. The list of approved traps was updated by the Trap Research and Development Committee (TRDC). To meet the needed requirements for AIHTS trap certification, trap manufacturers must test any trapping device they intend to market for use in Canada. This includes mechanically powered, trigger activated lethal devices, as well as live capture foot-hold and cage traps.