Alberta Trappers play key role in Fisher reintroduction

Twenty-one trappers have participated in the fisher relocation program, applying their traditional knowledge & skills to assist with the project. Local experienced trappers are often recognized as the fulcrum for conservation projects, especially those involving furbearers such as the Fisher.

Colorado is the latest state to declare Canine Distemper issues in raccoons

Colorado has become the latest state with noticeable reports of Canine Distemper in the local raccoon population. Colorado officials have confirmed the presence of canine distemper in raccoons - the most recent of which in Weld County.

New Print Publications: This trapper's been busy feeling like a sir!

While the stereotype of the modern trapper is that of an uneducated redneck with a thirst for the blood of woodland critters, this licensed trapper’s been feeling like a sir. I’ve been busy with a penned tsunami of printed goodness via several different (and well known) publications - both local to New England and abroad.

Predator eat predator: New findings give insight into a varied wolf diet

When thinking about the parameters of a typical wolf diet, a common conjuring of likely candidates resembles common prey species such as wild ungulates and ranched livestock. However, as the Voyageurs Wolf Project of Minnesota highlights in a recent social media post, skilled predators like wolves can sometimes leave us all surprised with what they fancy for a meal.

A Biologist's Perspective on Trappers: You Can Always Count On 'em!

New Hampshire is fortunate to have a group of sportsmen and women who are passionate about wildlife, conservation and their sport like no other group I have known in three decades as a wildlife biologist in the Granite State. They are this state’s trappers.