Rough Cuts

Popularity Contest: MA hunting contest ban is latest “societal” quagmire

Despite the immense benefits regulated hunting promotes, concern over protections for the natural world become more polarized as society drifts farther and farther away from these subsistence activities. This includes any perceived “perversion” of natural resources - backing both the greater hunting community and wildlife management professionals into a corner with regard to what should or should not be tolerated.

New Print Publications: This trapper's been busy feeling like a sir!

While the stereotype of the modern trapper is that of an uneducated redneck with a thirst for the blood of woodland critters, this licensed trapper’s been feeling like a sir. I’ve been busy with a penned tsunami of printed goodness via several different (and well known) publications - both local to New England and abroad.

In absence of trappers, Arkansas issues cull permits

For many in the hunting/conservation worlds, the announcement of Arkansas’ predator permit is a double edged sword. While the permit allows for a restoration of conservation balance, it also raises concerns with the socially perceived wanton waste of natural resources - the furbearers themselves.

Just ban it all: California’s latest “fix” for invasive nutria

The state is already seeking to ban the primary mode of “dealing” with the nutria issue (trapping), and is now on a warp-speed course to remove all incentive for anyone to trap the animals in the future (via a fur usage ban). Since the state has done such a “bang-up job” of banning two primary modes of helping to control the persistent fur-bearing rodent, the only thing left to do is ban the craftily little unwanted guests themselves.

Hard truths about Hunting, Activism, and Wildlife Conservation

A few years ago I was asked how I thought we could get more people interested in conserving land and water, and my answer was simple. Teach them to hunt, fish, and trap. Give people an activity which intimately connects them to these resources, and then give them a place to do it.