Wildlife Control

MA officials move bears found living in highway median strip

MassWildlife officals discover a bear family overwintering in a wooded section of a busy highway median in Massachusetts.

Love, musk is in the air for New England furbearers!

More than a “Halmark Holiday”? Even after Valentine’s Day has come and gone for folks in the Northeast, its safe to say romance, and in this case, gland secretions, still linger in the air for many of the region’s wildlife populations.

Teen attacked by coyote in Massachusetts neighborhood.

A 16-year-old girl says she’s “fortunate to be alive” after reportedly being attacked by a coyote outside her Massachusetts home on Sunday evening. The attack occured as debates about coyote management in the Northeast are intensifying.

Increase in attacks prompts Montreal to enact coyote "hazing"

Montreal rolls out “hazing” plan for wily coyotes in the midst of 19 recorded attacks on people.

Man carries dead raccoon into California McDonald’s

Its painfully obvious not everyone in San Francisco is “on board” with the city’s recent ridiculous ban on fur garments. A McDonald’s chain restaurant became the center of attention after a man entered the establishment with a dead raccoon.