New Hampshire

USDA, state agencies, bite back at rabies in Northeast

USDA, state agencies, bite back at rabies in Northeast

With the assistance of state agencies, licensed trappers, and vigilant citizens, USDA’s professional wildlife managers seek to drive raccoon rabies to the Atlantic Ocean.

Predators may not be "controlling" Lyme Disease as some thought

Predators may not be "controlling" Lyme Disease as some thought

They say water is good for your health. Too much water however, is toxic, and can lead to death. North America’s predators are great - but they aren’t Gods. Both top and meso predators alike should be regarded as a key component of wildlife ecology, but also require the same conservation management as other wild species.

Outfoxed: Revisited

Outfoxed: Revisited

Will those who decry hunting and promote a "hands-off" approach to wildlife conservation readily accept the outcome of their decisions? What if one's hatred for the regulated take of wildlife through hunting and trapping meant sacrificing wildlife diversity for future enjoyment? Are we collectively satisfied with the regular scraping of decaying fox carcasses off our lawns?



Disease, debate, and discourse abound amid New Hampshire’s controversial fox hunting/trapping restriction proposals. The NH Fish & Game Department now finds itself in an awkward squaredance with Sportsmen, Activists, and Politicians.

Beaver Booze: The creation of castoreum whiskey

Beaver Booze: The creation of castoreum whiskey

A result of the ever-intuitive and creative minds at the Tamworth Distillery, Eau De Musc pairs flavors like birch oil and wild ginger with the wildest of ingredients: beaver castor. Yes, you read that right - a beaver gland infused spirit. Imagine my surprise when my two worlds suddenly collided into one exquisite presentation.