Blog — Furbearer Conservation


Coyote and badger "cahoots" a concept of commensal hunting?

Amid the controversy of half-time Super Bowl dazzle and speech-tearing political pandering plaguing the ‘net this week, an unlikely pair of furbearers are the most recent internet celebrities thanks to their upbeat behest to accompany each other on a suburban hunt for a meal.

Muskrats: A canary for the wetlands coal mine?

The Wildlife Ecology Institute has recently announced new research being conducted to dive into the ‘rat’s potential role as an indicator species for wetland quality in the Great Lakes Basin. Researchers are reviewing multiple sources pertaining to muskrat population data, such as state trapper reports and counts of muskrat huts, and comparing those data sets with that of wetland quality, and additional sensitive wetland-wildlife species.

Last year’s rodent “bumper crop” means predator boom this spring

Just as the acorn mast abundance of two years ago drove a rodent explosion last year, I’m confident the expansion in rodent presence will drive a “cyclical boom” in New England’s predatory species this year.

The Sharks of Suburbia: An urban coyote diet

Collectively, we don’t seem to be shocked by the presence of other wild species such as raccoons, skunks, and opossums roaming the back alleys of concrete and brick - but the coyote’s presence seems to catch the attention of the public and professionals in far greater numbers; and far greater curiosity.

Vermont's first rabid coyote attack confirmed by Health Department

Priscilla and George Gilman were treated at Porter Medical Center in Middlebury for wounds sustained during the attack. Priscilla Gilman was bitten on the right forearm and left leg, while George Gilman was bitten on the right leg, according to local news reports. The elderly couple also received four rounds of rabies shots.